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ChillPay Payment Gateway
Fastest & Secure Payment Gateway
Supports all payment methods
Get paid fast in only 1 day!
And is a White Label
Provide services under your brand
Sign Up Free!


How we help your business
Your online business can accept
payments in everyway
Seamless payment
Increase business opportunities & sales in a cashless society era
Reduce costs & errors
in administration
Reduce your financial workload With a
precise & accurate payment summary
And with Dashboard report.
to help you analyze your business easier
With real-time payment reporting to help you deliver
products & services to customers instantly
Speed up the delivery of goods & services
Increase your business efficiency
Service Highlights
Guaranteed fastest money receive in 1 business day
Increase money management efficiency by receive the money within 1 business day Helps you manage your business cash flow easier
Various payment
methods & currencies
Move to a cashless society with us. With a variety of payment options for customers And supports more than 20 currencies worldwide
No website or
mobile app,
not a problem
Supports all payment methods via selling on popular social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Line, YouTube or even selling products via Marketing E-Mail or SMS Advertise.
Be assured of
security measures
We Protecting customer information With the Bank of Thailand safety standards
Give you confidence in every transaction
All day 24/7
Able to check customer payment lists 24/7
Both on the webpage & on mobile phones Makes you manage the store and deliver products to customers efficiently
White label
Friendly to
With the OPEN API, developers can easily connect ChillPay to a white label websites or mobile apps. Support all platforms, and also have plugins for many popular eCommerce
Payment Channel
Get superior
with the most
payment methods.
Credit & Debit Card
Installment payment
Mobile Banking
Internet Banking
QR Payment
Counter Bill Payment
Kiosk Machine
Pay With Points
Inter Payment
Flat rate Fee, 3.25% every channel
No other hidden fees
Satisfied from our service
Chill, and receive money with us today!
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Get to know our mascot, Chill-chan
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